At long last, it’s here!
our fourth album, ‘VOLUME’ is finally here! You can get it at any digital or physical retailer available!
Here’s what people are saying about it!
Cuts right to the chase with 10 groove-powered bong-rockers that make no pretense of concealing their DNA.” – Metal Hammer
“This type of music is the reason bands like Led Zeppelin mixed blues with rock n roll back in the day, so bands like ZED could one day continue the legacy.” – GC Live
“ZED has brilliantly captured the dream of rock and roll with this record in every form with no less than immaculate execution the likes of which we only should’ve expected from this band. “Volume” will surely be an album that’s hailed upon its release, and just one listen to it will immediately prove why” – Head-Banger Reviews
“Zed, shred. But they know without great songs rock is dead. Which is a terrible way of saying that “Volume” needs turning up to 11. Immediately. Rating 9/10“ – Maximum Volume Music
“They can play like a Mongol horde charging into battle, but they also write great songs, and over the length of Volume, they show quite a few different shades but at the end of the day, they leave us with living proof of exactly what they are. An excellent dirty rock’n’roll band capable of producing excellent LP’s year in and year out!” – Desert Highways
“Without a dull moment, Volume’ will not only provide established fans will an excellent addition to the back catalogue. It will also serve as a solid gateway for new fans and those that already enjoy heavy rock ‘n’ roll. “ – Uber Rock
“My favourite tracks on this album would have to be this whole freaking album I cannot for the life of me pick a favourite on an album this good all I can say is get a shot of Zed into you and rock hard.” – Crannk
“I cannot and will not pick a favorite song, if you are in to Rock music of almost any genre, Buy This Album!” – Metal Temple